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Blog: Blog2

Smooth Sailing

Updated: Nov 29, 2018

I am writing to you from my placement with the German 3 and 4 class at Brookfield East. After many weeks, I now fully feel comfortable in this classroom. and the students have started to utilize me as a resource. Today, I heard a student give up after looking at the paper for a full 10 seconds. She immediately gave up and started getting off task. I know how she felt, and knew she would not get back on task unless someone told her to do so.

I walked up and heard her say, "I'll just google it, the translator is good enough." For those who are unaware, the translator on google defines each word as you type it, so sentences will not make sense, no matter how hard you try. I saw she had typed a sentence in English to be translated to German. It was pure gibberish. Could not even tell the translator was trying to turn her English sentence into German. While, that would be the easy way out, I just asked her if she needed help. As she was asking me the question, she started to figure it out, and slowly came up with a good answer. She finished her question, and I gave her an answer just specific enough to get her on the right track, while trying not to give the answer to the question.

Even in my placement at Pilgrim Park with the band, the percussionists especially are finally utilizing me. Now, instead of getting lost and just playing wrong rhythms at the highest possible volume, they turn to me and ask for help, and listen to my advice. It only took two months, but I finally feel apart of all of my classrooms. For those reading this who may be in the launch class now, the biggest piece of advice I have as of right now is to ask questions to anyone who might have more experience than you. Get multiple opinions, it really helps when you have to deal with something that may be out of your comfort zone.

It should (hopefully) be smooth sailing from here!

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