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Blog: Blog2

My Blog

For this post, I want to reflect on how I have done with this blog. I really enjoyed making this blog, and I am excited to think about future classes reading some of my posts when they become LAUNCH future teachers. My favorite part about making this blog was figuring out all of the cool things I could do with it. I was super excited when I figured out how to create an "About page" and even more excited when I discovered the button feature and was able to add the link to the official LAUNCH website! I felt like a computer wizard.

There are many things I wish I could have done better with my posts. I would have liked to do more, but as most high school students know, work piles up and it is hard to keep up. With more posts, I could have also made more connections back to AP Psych, which would have made many of my observations more interesting. Finally, I wish I could have added more personality into my posts. Whenever I write on technology, I have trouble expressing emotions, I'm more of a talker.

Overall, this blog has helped me reflect on my experiences and has helped me keep track of the milestones I have reached. It will be fun to come back and look at my posts and remember all of the fun things I did in LAUNCH.

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