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Blog: Blog2

Google It

In my German field placement, my teacher approached me with a question. She asked me about my projects that I did when I was a student in her class, and whether or not I liked them. Then she asked: "Can you help me come up with a quick project I can use to help reinforce the students learning of narrative past?"

I had no clue. To be honest, I kind of forgot what narrative past was. I told her I would think about it, and let her know if anything came to mind. Sitting and staring at the wall yielded no answers, so I tried something different.

First I googled what in the world narrative past was, and it all started coming back to me. It is crazy how just reading one sentence and example can suddenly trigger all of the knowledge to come back. After I made this discovery of knowledge, I decided to google "teaching strategies for narrative past".

At first it just showed me worksheets and example sheets, but I knew that would not cut it for this group of students. I started looking harder, and found a teachers blog that had seven fun activities for learning narrative past. Any of these would be helpful and help the students learn, thanks Google!

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